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04 April 2021

Yearning for a Dialogue - the Real Silent Majority on the Right

As a video talk show host, I talk directly and indirectly to hundreds of people every week. Right-wingers troll me ad nauseam. Recently, something strange has begun; I find conservatives trolling my trolls in my defense as I continue to expound our progressive mantra. Many are open for a dia...

April 03, 2021

Those Untitled

“Simply being you makes you one of us,” declares Ron Alin, CEO and Co-founder of Those Untitled. Ron, interviewed by Jerry Ashton here on LRT, is consumed with creating what he calls a Lifetime Community – aiming to engage purpose-driven creators and innovators with purpose-driven consumers. The...

April 02, 2021

When Will More Doctors Stand Up for Their Patients and Themselves?

I walked into the hospital for my 7-7 overnight shift through the ER, as was my practice. Always good to know what little surprises they have in store for you. My pediatric colleague, whom I was about to relieve, looked upset. She gave me the thumbnail: " Four month old had been there almost thre...

April 01, 2021

When It is Time to Rethink Your Career

The first time I can recall rethinking my career as a corporate health insurance executive was during a company leadership meeting. The top brass had decided to get on the “consumer-driven” bandwagon, and we had been summoned to a large conference room to be briefed on the strategy. “Consumer-dr...

March 31, 2021

Let’s Rethink American ‘Democracy’

This year, America turns 245-years old. Despite recent proclamations made to MAGA, America was never that great in the first place. Growing up in Smalltown, USA in the 1960s can leave an indelible mark on a life. One of my earliest memory of my Mother was in 1960 as I accompanied her to the town...

Let's Rethink This is licensed under a Creative Commons (BY-NC) 4.0 License


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