Healthcare expert and podcaster Michael McLafferty questions two veterans and their civilian supporter as to their ambitious campaign to both reduce the rate of veteran suicide and to abolish – literally – the unpaid and unpayable medical debt owed by vets through the VA system.
To put the suicide problem into perspective, out of our population of over 330 million, there are 1.4 million Americans in the military and19 million Americans are veterans. But, they contribute to 20 percent of all suicides. At the horrific rate of 44 per day. 44 PER DAY!
Concerning the second evil - veteran/military bad debt - an estimated $6 billion is held by the VA hospital system. Despite highly publicized recent VA and governmental declarations to forgive or ameliorate this burden, little has been accomplished. Hardly the best way to say “Thank you for your service.”
The solutions to these seemingly intractable problems, as claimed by Michael’s guests Marine veteran Rick Johnson of VOI Health, Navy veteran Jerry Ashton of Let’s Rethink This and civilian and ardent veteran advocate Cary Harrison an award-winning Public Radio host, are innovative and potentially game-changing in their impact.
Their chosen platform is the recently launched Veteran Mission Possible (VMP) which describes itself as a collaborative veteran advocacy campaign – “A Veteran and Civilian Effort to Right The Wrongs experienced by the nation’s finest.”
This is where they intend to get the attention of the movers and shakers in the VA and attract the funding and partners needed to crystalize and ignite their work. Take a listen and visit VMP to determine if their message resonates and deserves your support.
Written by Joel Stevens
on Friday, 09 December 2022.
Posted in News
“Navy veteran Tim Peña sat on the laminate wood flooring in his studio apartment for three days. There was no TV or radio, just his thoughts. He thought about how to clean up all the blood if he survived, or how his family would have to walk through it to collect his things if he succeeded. He thought about the veteran in his cellblock who had committed suicide a few days earlier by slipping the blade out of his razor…” from reporter Molly Bohannon: Is Arizona’s model for veteran suicide prevention the answer?
Most journalists report on the lives of others; Tim Peña lives a life that others report on.
He didn’t intend it to be that way. But by being someone else’s “story” he processed this experience to become the person on the other side of the notepad and microphone. This provides an unmatched authenticity to his reporting on veteran suicide, homelessness, and incarceration.
He came close to experiencing the first, managed to survive the second, and speaks from a long history of being in and out of homelessness.
From written-up, to written-about, to written-by
The first firm writing step came about for Tim back in 2004 while living in Croatia where he published the first English-language business and tourism guide with distribution in Croatia and London in the Croatian Bureau of Tourism. Before then, he also designed and sold advertising for Arizona Directions - a new-student guide at the University of Arizona (1986-87), Key Magazine in Chicago, and for the Chicago Blues and Jazz Festival program guides (1993-95).
Upon his return from Croatia in 2006, Tim was arrested at JFK Airport for an outstanding warrant issued by Arizona for back-to-back DUI’s from 2002. After spending six weeks in Ryker’s Island and the Brooklyn Federal Correctional Center, he was ‘conaired’ to Arizona where he was sentenced to 4 ½ years in Arizona prison and released in 2009. In 2014, Tim was again arrested for DUI and a first-offense marijuana possession, and in 2016, found himself homeless and at MANA House, a veteran’s transitional program where he also served as the front desk clerk.
His time at MANA House (Marine, Army, Navy, Air Force) serving as a front desk clerk along with his background in publishing provided the time and space to write a comprehensive Veterans Incarceration/Suicide Index whitepaper that draws parallels between vet suicide and incarceration among veterans with service-connected disabilities such as PTSD, TBI and drug and alcohol addiction.
In 2018, Tim was sentenced to two years in Arizona prison for the marijuana possession and another four years on probation for the DUI. He created the Veterans Justice Project based on his incarceration experiences and those of veterans who were being denied access to Veterans Affairs with a program to ‘Bridge the Gap’ between the veteran and the VA. He credits MANA House for providing him, as a staff member, “access to individuals on the resident side (to interview) as well as all the research and resources I could hope for. I started the VISI in May/June 2016 and finished it up in early 2017.”
As he describes it, “MANA House supplied me the tools necessary to research and write the Veterans Incarceration/Suicide Index (VISI) which compares veteran population, incarceration, and suicide to an average ‘index’ for each state. My findings showed that states with more robust Veterans Treatment Courts had significant reductions in all three.”
Fast forward to 2022 and all too many disagreements and disputes with veteran services and Arizona authorities, he moved to New York City.
A new home as a writer – Military Veterans in Journalism
A series of articles that Tim has been writing for Our Newspaper called “Be The Story” caught the attention of Russell Midori, career journalist/videographer and co-founder of Military Veterans in Journalism. Following a personal introduction in NYC, Tim was invited to attend an MVJ meet in Washington DC. How did that come about so quickly?
“A journalist’s primary responsibility is to tell the truth,” Russell says. “My litmus test for a potential journalist is how willing he is to reveal truths about himself because those are the hardest truths to share. Tim is not afraid to share his experiences with physical and mental health, or even highly stigmatized topics like homelessness or incarceration. Authenticity is a journalist’s most powerful currency, so when I saw that in him, I knew he had great potential in this field.”
And the reason for inviting Tim to an MVJ conference in DC?
Russell continues, “Journalism is a tough field because you have to be polite enough to get an interview and rude enough to demand the truth. Most journalists have too much of one, and not enough of the other, but Tim embodies both these characteristics effortlessly,” and offers one more reason.
“Tim probably didn’t regard himself as a journalist for most of his life, but I think he’s just the kind of person needed to do this type of work. I really felt my early career MVJs needed to meet someone like him so they could observe that sweet spot between courtesy and entitlement, and maybe find that balance for themselves,” Russell ends.
Much to his amazement (or amusement), Tim now finds himself cast as a role model. Which is what he is, and why we are honoring him this month.
(Military Veterans in Journalism is working with Let’s Rethink This to develop an onsite and online “media pool” of experienced professionals whose interviews and stories will support thenewly-launched Veteran Mission Possible campaign attacking the two evils of veteran suicide and veteran medical debt.)
Written by Jerry Ashton
on Wednesday, 30 November 2022.
Posted in News
It can already be challenging enough to transition back to civilian life from active duty, but the prospect gets even more daunting for veterans moving abroad with family after retiring from service.
If you’re a Veteran who lives overseas, you remain entitled to the benefits and services you earned through your military service. Most VA benefits, such as disability compensation, pension, education and training, health care, home loans, insurance, vocational rehabilitation and employment and burial, are payable regardless of your place of residence or nationality. disability compensation, pension, education and training, health care, home loans, insurance, vocational rehabilitation and employment and burial.
As a Veteran living or traveling abroad, you can receive medical care for VA service-connected disabilities through our VA Foreign Medical Program. Under this program, we assume payment responsibility for the necessary treatment of service-connected disabilities. You can visit our Foreign Medical Program page for more information. There are regional toll-free phone numbers on this page that you can call for additional assistance.
If you are a veteran who lives or travels abroad and needs medical care for service-connected disabilities, you can receive that care through the VA Foreign Medical Program. This program allows veterans to receive medical care from approved providers in countries all around the world. This care is provided at no cost to you, and you can receive it whether or not you are stationed in a foreign country. To be eligible for the VA Foreign Medical Program, you must:
Be a veteran.
Have a service-connected disability that is considered permanent and requires regular care.
Be registered with the VA.
Be a citizen or national of a country eligible for the VA Foreign Medical Program.
Meet other eligibility requirements specified by the VA.
To sum it up, you should aim to be aware of your emotions when making this big life decision. Be patient with yourself and don’t forget that the journey won’t always be easy. Just like how challenges are used to make you stronger, the ups and downs that come with the big decision can only make your life better in a way!
Written by Jerry Nelson
on Monday, 28 November 2022.
Posted in News
ABINGDON, Va. — Emmitt Yeary was a captain in the Army’s Judge Advocate General’s Corps, stationed in Vietnam, when he received a letter postmarked Abingdon from a distraught mother seeking information about how her only son — Lt. Billy Webb — died the previous year.
Yeary grew up in Wise County, but spent three months in Abingdon during the summer of 1966 before reporting for duty. He didn’t know the Webb family. But Billy was killed near where Yeary was stationed and the young attorney was both curious and touched by the heartfelt plea to get beyond Army platitudes that her son “died bravely serving his country.”
So Yeary ventured to the site of the attack and read the report of the incident.
Webb and another soldier had gone to reconnoiter a hill as a possible location for a small quartermaster base. When they returned the next day, Viet Cong soldiers shot them in the legs so they couldn’t flee, walked up and executed them, Yeary said.
“In the report it mentioned street signs. It was a little dirt road out in front of the Quonset hut and there was a sign that said Webb Avenue and the next row over was another sign for the sergeant who was also killed,” Yeary said. “His comrades didn’t want him to be forgotten. I took pictures of the signs, I took a picture of the hill and I wrote her back and told her some of what happened and that gave her a sense of closure.”
More than 30 years later, Webb’s story again inspired Yeary — and an entire town — to pay homage to all who serve.
“I came back to Abingdon, looked around and didn’t see any signs like I’d seen there; nothing to honor Billy Webb. I looked around at other counties. Wise County and Russell County and Smyth County all surrounding here had something to honor soldiers. Tennessee was very patriotic,” Yeary said. “It struck me that here in Abingdon were things honoring Civil War generals and governors; nothing for the common soldiers, who are anything but common.”
Years passed. Yeary established a successful law practice, began raising a family and thoughts of Webb receded.
“That was in the back of my mind for several years and one day the Iraq War started and the yellow ribbon campaign was going on,” he said of a longstanding patriotic trend of attaching yellow ribbons in public view to honor service members.
Yeary and others began buying yellow ribbons and placing them on street lights and businesses in Abingdon to show support for U.S. forces, but he ran into some governmental red tape after asking to hang them on the sign at the town’s library. After some delays, he ultimately received permission from the county’s Board of Supervisors
“When they said go ahead, it just came to me; we don’t need to stop at the ribbons. We need to have a real monument supporting the troops and honoring the military because we didn’t have anything like that in the county,” Yeary said.
That began another series of phone calls culminating with Yeary’s impassioned speech to Town Council about the heretofore ignored sacrifices.
The result is Veteran’s Memorial Park, a 13-acre hillside off Cummings Street near Interstate 81’s Exit 17 dedicated on Veteran’s Day 2003. Yeary and others captured that hill, adorning it since with flags, plaques honoring service members from different conflicts and a walking trail. There is a permanent yellow ribbon inscribed “Until they’re home again” and a liberty peace tree that includes a replica of the peace dove that appears at George Washington’s Mount Vernon home.
“Since that time, we wanted to do something more. It’s a place to honor the veterans, but it’s also a place of inspiration,” Yeary said. “It’s become an educational park. We have a theme each Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day and honor World War II, Vietnam, Korea and this year’s will be about the Civil War.”
Proud of his own father Ray’s World War II service in the Marine Corps, Yeary intended to fol-low in his footsteps and enlist after high school. While Ray Yeary survived the horrors of battle, he was killed shortly after returning home to the mountains, while riding his motorcycle. His death had a profound impact on his son.
To this day, Emmitt Yeary grows emotional retelling the story of how the recruiter — a man who served alongside his father in combat — ripped up the paperwork.
“He said, ‘I want you to go to college first. I want you to come in as an officer. Don’t come in as a grunt like your dad and me. Then come back to see me.’ So I took his advice,” Yeary said. “I went to Clinch Valley College, the University of Virginia and the Washington-Lee University Law School. That was about the time the Vietnam War was heating up.”
He received a draft notice during his final weeks of law school in April 1967.
“I was lucky. I applied for a commission and received one of only 12 commissions for the JAG Corps,” he said. “When I was in JAG school, they were asking for volunteers for Vietnam. I think I was the only one in my class who volunteered. I guess I just remembered my father and others like him. I needed to do something to take some chance or risk that he and so many others had taken.”
Prior to deployment that fall, he also learned how to drive tanks and completed paratrooper jump school with the 82nd Airborne Division in Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
Rather than combat, Yeary was assigned to the front lines of investigating and defending soldiers accused of crimes during wartime. He handled a wide range of cases ranging from a major black market conspiracy, to murder, theft and assaults on officers.
“Just to gather evidence and interview witnesses, you don’t just get in a car and drive to Bristol,” Yeary said. “My philosophy of practicing law is know the law, know the facts and go to the scene. I got to do a lot of traveling around the country with a briefcase in one hand and a rifle in the other.”
Traveling by Jeep meant putting sandbags in the vehicle’s floorboards in case they ran over a landmine.
“I’d be fair and be driver one way and shotgun one way — because you have a better chance if you hit a mine with more sandbags. You could put more on the passenger side,” he recalled. “Travel within a few miles of the base was OK, but there were some places you wouldn’t go without a convoy. Other times, if you get far from your base, you’d go to a depot where a helicopter or plane would come in. You might be there 30 minutes or you might be there for a day.”
He was fired upon once while in Saigon at the start of the Tet Offensive — a coordinated series of Viet Cong attacks that began in January 1968.
“I was in a Jeep, a sergeant and I. It was at night and some machine gun fire came across the front. We went forward between the bursts because you couldn’t turn the headlights on,” Yeary said. “It was a pretty intense time. Everything was calm. Once a buddy and I were walking to the chow hall and we heard this boom and saw this mushroom cloud that looked like an atomic bomb. They had blown up our ammo dump and we hit the ditch at that point.”
One vivid memory lingers to this day.
“One of the duties I had was to go to the morgue. That was the first time I’d really seen such a mass of what the war was. I can still visualize those bodies stacked up like cord wood and just the stench,” Yeary said. “There was one sergeant working the morgue. He’d been there six months and been in the mortuary unit for 12 years. He said, ‘Sir, please help. I can’t get a transfer and I’m going to go insane,’ because of what he had to see on a daily basis. He couldn’t get used to that.”
Once Yeary returned stateside, he was stationed at The Presidio, a once-major military base in San Francisco. It was there he was involved in the longest series of legal cases in U.S. military history.
A group of 26 soldiers being held in the stockade protested the shooting death of another prisoner by sitting in a circle singing “We shall overcome,” rather than follow orders to assemble. Officials “overreacted,” Yeary said, charging the men with mutiny — an offense punishable by death.
“The anti-war protests were going on at that time and it really gave the war protesters some-thing to protest. It went on for six or seven months,” Yeary said. “I was originally assigned to represent all 26 of them, but wound up representing seven. It made national television, Newsweek and several of the magazines. The secretary of the Army came out. I told him I thought it was an overreaction and there were some procedural things they had not followed.”
Yeary and his co-counsel, Brendan Sullivan, successfully got the charges reduced via a “vigorous defense” and ultimately prompted the military to change some regulations about how cases are prosecuted.
Sullivan has since been involved in a number of other high-profile cases, including the defense of Col. Oliver North, the former deputy director of the National Security Council who was convicted in the Iran-Contra case and later cleared of all charges. The two remain friends.
Yeary downplays his own military service, suggesting that any attention should instead go to those who fought — and too often died — in battle. Yet his time in Vietnam, some 9,000 miles from home, allowed him to comfort a grieving mother who lost her only son and led to a tangible way for a community to permanently recognize the sacrifices of so many.
Written by David McGee
on Tuesday, 22 November 2022.
Posted in News
Special Forces Master Sgt. Richard Stayskal began having problems breathing in March 2017, and within months he was coughing up blood. Military doctors were unable to determine what was wrong but suspected that Stayskal was suffering from pneumonia or allergies. It was not until he saw a civilian pulmonary specialist that Stayskal learned he had lung cancer.
But nearly three years later, Stayskal, whose lung cancer is now at Stage IV, is still waiting for his medical malpractice claim to be resolved and he has been given no indication of how long the process will take.
Stayskal’s attorney filed his medical malpractice claim on Jan. 1, 2020. Since then, he said he has heard a variety of excuses about why his claim is still being considered, but the process has been so opaque that he is not sure what the real holdup is.
“It just feels like they can take an infinite amount of time, and let’s say 99 doctors agree that I was wronged, it was egregious, it was malpractice, it’s all clear, cut and dry; but they’re going to keep on going to no end to find the one that says: ‘Ah, no, no I totally disagree; that was never malpractice.’”
Army Special Forces Master Sgt. Richard Stayskal has Stage IV lung cancer, which military doctors initially misdiagnosed as pneumonia and allergies. He filed a medical malpractice claim against the military in January 2020 but his case is still pending. (Photo courtesy of Richard Stayskal)
Stayskal is hardly alone. reporter Patricia Kime recently revealed that of the 448 medical malpractice claims that have been filed with the departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, only 11 have been settled — about 2.5%.
“The military has deliberately avoided approving legitimate claims to save costs because Congress has not appropriated sufficient resources to compensate aggrieved parties,” said Sean Timmons, a managing partner of the Tully Rinckey law firm’s office in Houston. “Additionally, the very people accused of misconduct are the ones themselves reviewing the allegations of malpractice and gross negligence.” further broke down the number of medical malpractice claims by service:
The Army received 184 claims, of which six have been approved, 36 were denied, 73 are being appealed after an initial denial, and another 69 are still under investigation.
The Department of the Navy has received a total of 146 claims from sailors, Marines, and military families, of which 58 have been denied and one was settled for $250,000.
The Department of the Air Force has received a total of 118 claims, of which four have been settled, 23 were denied without the chance of appeal, and another six were appealed to the Defense Health Agency — five of which were denied, and the remaining case is still under consideration.
While the success rate for medical malpractice lawsuits in civilian courts is low, it is still higher than the number of cases settled by the military branches, said Katherine Kuzminski, director of the military, veterans, and society program at the Center for a New American Security think tank in Washington, D.C.
Kuzminski cited a 2009 academic journal article that looked at medical malpractice lawsuits, which found that physicians won between 80% and 90% of jury trials in which the evidence of negligence was weak as well as 70% of “borderline cases” and 50% of cases with strong evidence of negligence.
“Between 80% and 90% of the claims rated as defensible are dropped or dismissed without payment, according to the article in Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research, which is published by the Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons.
While forward deployed in the Middle East, a Marine walks fellow service members during the Memorial Ruck March Sept. 11, 2017. (U.S. Marine Corps)
For military malpractice claims, it is clear that the military branches need to increase the size of their legal staff to make sure cases are processed more efficiently, Kuzminski told Task & Purpose.
“However, that does not mean that the number of approved cases or damages paid will increase — only that the cases will be handled more expediently,” Kuzminski said.
It has only been in recent years that troops have been able to file malpractice claims against the military. For more than 70 years, the Feres Doctrine — named for the Supreme Court’s 1950 Feres v. United States decision — prevented service members from suing the Defense Department over any injuries or deaths that occurred as a result of their service. The ruling has since been used to bar lawsuits due to negligence that takes place far from the battlefield, from medical malpractice at stateside military hospitals, to training accidents, to sexual assault.
But in December 2019, then-President Donald Trump signed that fiscal year’s National Defense Authorization Act, which included the provision named for Stayskal that allowed troops to file malpractice claims in certain situations. However, it was another year and a half before the Pentagon published the rules by which service members and their families could file such claims, so the process is relatively new.
The fact that the military has settled so few malpractice claims since then shows that troops and their families should have been granted the right to take their cases to court instead of having to go through an internal review process, said Dwight Stirling, the CEO of the Center for Law and Military Policy think tank.
“It’s a simple case of having the fox guard the hen house,” Stirling, a military lawyer with California National Guard, told Task & Purpose. “These cases should be decided by a court of law in full view of the public, where the military has to show its documents and the doctors have to submit to depositions and an independent court and judge get to render a verdict.”
Natalie Khawam, an attorney who represents 165 troops who have filed medical malpractice claims against the military, said that some of her clients have died while waiting for their cases to be decided. One of those service members was Army Maj. Richard Star, a fierce advocate for allowing all veterans to receive both their retirement pay and Department of Veterans Affairs disability benefits concurrently.
Khawam said the process of filing malpractice claims is fundamentally flawed, giving the military branches an advantage over claimants. All the military needs to do to deny a claim is to find a medical expert who believes no malpractice took place, she said.
When medical malpractice claims are denied, neither the service members who filed the claims nor their attorneys are provided with any information about which experts the military services consulted or how those experts arrived at their conclusions, Khawam told Task & Purpose.
“We don’t know anything about this expert, whether he’s even board certified — nothing, not even a name,” Khawam said. “We can’t even see the expert’s decision.”
Marines ride in an MV-22B Osprey during an Evacuation Control Center exercise, over the Pacific Ocean, March 23, 2017. (Lance Cpl. Breanna L. Weisenberger/U.S. Marine Corps)
Pentagon spokeswoman Lisa Lawrence referred questions about the medical malpractice claims process to the individual military branches, which are responsible for processing service members’ claims.
When asked if the Department of the Navy provides an explanation to sailors and Marines about why their medical malpractice claims are denied, Navy spokeswoman Lt. Alyson Hands referred Task & Purpose to Part 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations, which explains the rules and procedures by which troops can file such claims.
“Each claim is unique and evaluated based on its particular set of facts,” Hands said. “As always, when processing medical malpractice claims, the Navy adheres to the statutory provisions of the Fiscal Year 2020 National Defense Authorization Act, as well as the rules promulgated by the Office of the Secretary of Defense to implement those provisions. We will not comment further on the adjudication process.”
Ann Stefanek, a spokeswoman for the Department of the Air Force, said that airmen and Space Force guardians are provided with an explanation about how a decision was reached on their medical malpractice claims.
“When we issue an initial determination denying a claim, or make an offer in settlement, we provide a meaningful explanation as to the basis of denial or settlement offer per federal regulations,” Stefanek told Task & Purpose. “In this explanation, we identify the specialties consulted.”
The Department of the Air Force also cannot speculate on what the results of the claims process might indicate, said Stefanek, who added that the department will continue to try to resolve outstanding claims as quickly as possible.
Army spokesman Matt Leonard said that the service works with claimants so that they understand if they need to provide any additional information before the service reaches a decision on their cases.
“Although the Army does not disclose the name of the consulted expert, the Army provides detailed letters outlining its position before taking any action on a claim,” Leonard said. “Additionally, the Army encourages claimants to provide additional evidence or expert opinions before taking action on any claim. Furthermore, the Army uses experts outside the Army to determine whether the standard of care had been met. The Army’s focus is on the merits of the claim. A claimant is also entitled to appeal decisions made by the Army to the Appeals Board.”
The Army is required by law to investigate malpractice claims and “pay only those claims that are meritorious, Leonard said.
“The Army’s investigation of the 184 claims it received revealed well over half of them failed to meet the requirements of the law,” Leonard told Task & Purpose. “These claims were either untimely (some alleging malpractice over a decade before the law was enacted), were not in a covered medical facility as required, were filed by family members or others who are ineligible to file, and some failed to allege malpractice at all. All other claims are being investigated to determine whether they [are] payable under the law and Code of Federal Regulations.”
UH-60 crews rehearsed emergency patient movements in Germany from Feb. 22-25 in preparation for Defender Europe 21. (Maj. Robert Fellingham/U.S. Army)
Exactly who is eligible to file claims can be confusing. The Defense Department’s rules for medical malpractice claims allow “an authorized representative on behalf of a member who is deceased or otherwise unable to file the claim due to incapacitation.” However, the claims process does not allow “derivative claims or other claims from third parties” who argue they have been injured as a result of harm to a service member.
“This prohibition includes claims by family members or survivors arising out of the circumstances of personal injury or death of a member,” according to the rules, which were posted on the Federal Register in June 2021.
In layman’s terms, that means that family members can file claims on behalf of a service member who has died, but they cannot file their own claims based on the death or injury of a service member, said Butch Bracknell, a retired Marine lieutenant colonel and military attorney,
“They can bring a claim on behalf of a service member if the service member is incapacitated (coma, brain damage, etc) or deceased (representing the service member’s estate),” Bracknell told Task & Purpose. “These claims are on behalf of the service member him or herself, not a claim in their own right (loss of companionship, emotional distress, etc).”
But family members cannot make a claim if medical malpractice was discovered after the death of a service member, said Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.), who co-sponsored the law that allowed troops and families to file medical malpractice claims with the military.
Mullin told Task & Purpose that he believes Congress needs to take more action to ensure the claims process is fair for troops.
Many service members whose cases should already have been settled will never have the peace of mind knowing that their families will be taken care of after they die, Mullin said.
“That’s wrong in every way possible,” said Mullin, who is running for the Senate. “That was never the intent of the bill and if we have take additional action, we will.”
However, Mullin stopped short of saying that the Defense Department and individual military branches have acted in bad faith since the law was passed in December 2019. It’s possible that the military’s bureaucracy is so risk averse that it would prefer to continually process malpractice claims rather than making decisions on cases, he said.
“I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt right now, saying that maybe they’re trying to understand the intent of it,” Mullin said. “If that’s the case, then they need to let us know because if they need more clarification then let us clarify it for you. Right now, what it seems like is happening is we’re pushing harder than they’re trying to figure it out. That shouldn’t happen. They should be trying to at least push uphill as hard as we’re trying to push uphill, not us trying to encourage them by lighting a fire under their backsides.”
The low number of medical malpractice claims approved by the military services could indicate that the Feres Doctrine still casts a long shadow, said former Marine Maj. Kyleanne Hunter, a senior political scientist at the RAND Corporation.
“This is speculation; but using the way other changes have been rolled out as a baseline for some of this, there’s concern about creating a precedent that service members should just be able to sue the government for anything,” Hunter told Task & Purpose. “Culturally, there’s some fear about what this actually means and there could be, as a result, a higher than anticipated or higher than planned standard that’s being applied here — I don’t know that for sure, but I think that’s one of the reasonable takeaways that we can say.”
Because the claims process itself is so opaque, it’s also possible that attorneys may not yet know how to present these malpractice cases to the military in an effective way, Hunter said.
Hunter was part of an independent review commission that looked at how the Defense Department dealt with sexual assault and sexual harassment cases. One of the commission’s findings was that military officials were making mistakes in prosecuting such cases because they didn’t fully understand the process.
For example, the rules about transferring evidence from civilian to military police officers were not always clear, and commanders would create the appearance of unlawful command influence by talking to survivors — and some accused service members — before military attorneys became involved with the cases, she said.
“I think there could be something here going on too, either with opaqueness or just an unfamiliarity with how to do these cases that could also be leading to cases being thrown out because of legal reasons, not necessarily on the fact that it’s right or wrong,” Hunter said.
Navy Corpsman Jordan Way was in intense pain after shoulder surgery. The painkillers were not working so military doctors kept increasing the dosage. He later died of severe hypoglycemia brought on by opioid toxicity. The Navy rejected a medical malpractice claim filed by his family after his death. (Photo courtesy of Suzi Way)
For the family of Navy Corpsman Jordan Way, the military’s malpractice claims process has been more than indifferent: It has been cruel.
Jordan Way was stationed at the naval hospital at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, California, when he underwent shoulder surgery that left him in pain so severe that he could still feel it while he was sleeping. Military doctors prescribed him oxycodone, a powerful semi-synthetic opiate, which he took as directed. However, the medication wasn’t lessening Way’s pain so military doctors kept increasing his dosage from 5 to 10 and eventually 15 mg tablets. Days after the surgery, he was dead, having taken more than 80 doses of the drug — as instructed by his doctors.
His parents Suzi and Dana spent more than a year trying to find out what happened to their son before finally learning that the cause of his death was severe hypoglycemia brought on by opioid toxicity.
Suzi Way initially believed the medical malpractice claim process had finally opened the door for Congress and the Defense Department to finally take care of service members suffering from military doctors’ mistakes. Then in August, Natalie Khawam, who also represents the Way family, informed them that their claim had been denied.
“I laughed,” Suzi Way told Task & Purpose. “It’s comically offensive. “It was at that moment that I realized: They’re judge and they’re jury, and we can put in an appeal, but it goes right back to the judge and the jury, and they’re king.”
Khawam provided Task & Purpose with a copy of the letter she had received from the Navy denying the malpractice claim.
“After a thorough review of your client’s claim and the applicable statutes and regulations, we have made an Initial Determination with regard to the claim,” the letter says.
The Navy justified its denial by claiming the family had not provided any medical explanation to support their claim, when in fact the malpractice claim included supporting documentation and an expert’s opinion, Khawam said.
The denial is currently under appeal. Dana Way said that he feels the entire claims process is “a farce” and “a dog and pony show with no teeth.”
“It is saddening; it is offensive to all these families and our men and women that go out there and put their life on the line for the abuse that the Department of Defense is giving them,” Dana White said. “To turn around and tell a family, ‘We’re sorry, the standard of care has been met, so we’re denying it’ — what’s the standard? Where is that written? ‘Well, we don’t have to tell you because you’re a piece of our property, and when you are unusable, we throw you out into the scrapyard and the VA will take care of you.’”
Although troops and their families nominally have an avenue to be made whole for cases of medical malpractice, the claims process has proven to be anything but quick and easy. Service members like Master Sgt. Stayskal are still waiting for a resolution, and time is not on their side.
Written by Jeff Schogol
on Tuesday, 22 November 2022.
Posted in News