Illustrations: Vic Guiza
The answer is…lots of rethinking.
That’s quite useful when as a “Public Benefit” corporation our mission is to "do good in a fashion that benefits both shareholder and stakeholder.” What in the world does that mean?
Simply, as a “B” Corp, LRT’s management can take into account social, economic and political considerations without being restricted by its fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the organization.
It’s kinda like rethinking profit-based corporations with no positive social impact DNA and nonprofits with no way to reward a donor with a return on their investment along with their charitable good. Some have termed it “Stakeholder Capitalism.”
We at LRT are marrying the best attributes of the two structures.
We will use our economic and social resources to support worthy charities (check out our India ventures with goats and handcrafters – awesome) or even to feature individuals or organizations who don’t mind stepping on society’s third rails. A good example of that latter is Dr. Marion Mass and what she had to see in print, cartoon and interview.
Stay tuned with our work and tune into the role you might like to take in furthering our mission. Investor? Client? Strategic Partner? Loyal follower? You can better inform that decision by reading our just-installed “Publisher’s Corner” piece titled “2022 and the Importance of Re.” Yes, as in rethinking, reassessing, recrafting, realizing, responding and reinventing.
Jerry Ashton walked into Occupy Wall Street in 2011 as a debt collector, and walked out of that experience two years later as a debt forgiver – literally rethinking his profession to co-found RIP Medical Debt in 2014 to reverse the ills caused by that industry. Six years later at the time of his retirement, his charity had successfully abolished over $2.7 billion in unpayable medical debt for over 1,800,000 Americans across the U.S. As of this writing, the total debt abolished is over $5 billion over almost 4 million people.
Jerry founded Let's Rethink This in late 2020 with the intention of seeing that lightning can strike twice. This time as a “B” Corp and not a charity, Jerry and his co-creators intend to bring about $1 billion in social and economic good this time through a unique Searchlight/Spotlight/Ignite model.